To assist those, particularly law students, who are contemplating coming to the Intellectual Property Bar and perhaps seeking a pupillage in chambers, we offer mini-pupillages of 2 days in duration. These provide an opportunity to visit chambers in order to experience the chambers environment and see the kinds of work undertaken.
Although mini-pupillages are not essential, we consider them to be extremely important for applicants for pupillage. Equally, mini-pupillages allow us to meet prospective applicants for pupillage in a less formal setting than an interview.
Given that the nature of the work undertaken varies from day to day we cannot guarantee that any particular activity will be taking place during a mini-pupillage. Nevertheless chambers will attempt to ensure that mini-pupils see barristers in court as well as undertaking advisory work in conferences. Owing to the pattern of work during the year, no mini-pupillages are offered in August.
We recommend that you apply for mini-pupillage following completion of at least the first year of your undergraduate degree (in any subject).
Applications should be made by way of a covering letter and CV specifying your degree classification (or marks obtained to date in university examinations) marked for the attention of the Mini-Pupillage Committee. These can be sent either by post to Three New Square, Lincoln’s Inn, London WC2A 3RS or by email to Tim Fairburn at
Candidates for mini-pupillage might wish to consider whether they are eligible for a grant under the Lincoln’s Inn Mini-Pupillage Grant Scheme (for which it is not necessary to be a member of the Inn).
Three New Square is a member of the Inner Temple’s Pegasus Access Scheme. See here for details.