Members of chambers as English barristers are not permitted to advise clients directly. Professional clients can contact the clerking team through the contact details give below if they wish to instruct any member of chambers. The clerks will be pleased to assist in selecting a barrister of appropriate seniority and experience, and in providing costs estimates.
Contractual Terms
With effect from 31 January 2013 the Bar Council abolished the long-standing “Terms of Work on which barristers offer their services to solicitors and the Withdrawal of Credit scheme”. In light of this, members of chambers now accept instructions on Three New Square’s standard terms and conditions, which are available here. Three New Square’s standard terms are based upon the COMBAR/City of London Law Society standard terms. Unless otherwise agreed in advance, any new instruction will proceed on the basis of these standard terms.
Three New Square’s standard terms were updated on 7 June 2022 to reflect changes in data protection legislation. A copy of the contractual terms upon which instructions were accepted prior to 7 June 2022 can be found here.
Pricing models
The most commonly used pricing model for members of chambers is an hourly rate, although court hearings are usually dealt with by a brief fee and a daily refresher. Members of chambers may in appropriate circumstances also be willing to undertake work on the basis of a fixed fee, a capped fee or a conditional fee agreement.
For more information and to discuss the appropriate pricing model and fees for a particular barrister, please contact a member of the clerking team on the contact details below.
In general terms, timescales for a case or a particular set of instructions will vary depending on factors such as the barristers’ availability, the type and complexity of the case, the amount of papers required to be reviewed, the need for additional information and documents, the other side’s approach and the availability of the court, witnesses and lay and professional clients.
If there are any particular timescales that are important to a piece of work, please raise this with a member of the clerking team as early as possible.
Chambers prides itself in practising to the highest professional standards of the English Bar. However, problems may occasionally arise. These may be discussed informally with the clerks or the barrister concerned at any time. Chambers also has a formal complaints procedure which is available by clicking here.
Chambers complaints’ policy also includes details of your ability to contact the Legal Ombudsman and the Bar Standards Board, together with details of how to make a complaint and the relevant time limits for doing so. The policy also includes a link to the decision data on the Legal Ombudsman’s website.